Are we too optimistic?
Macroeconomic indicators are overflowing with optimism rarely seen. Especially in the United...Rotation towards Value: How long can it last?
Over the past ten years we have become used to Growth stocks yielding much higher returns than...Real Estate - ¿A smart bet?
Real Estate has been hit strongly by the pandemic. E-commerce and 'Work from Home' are probably the...The shift towards a renewable mix
The recently released IEA (International Energy Agency) report highlights the difficulty that faces...February, a cyclical month
Since the news of the good results of the clinical trials in November, cyclical companies are...High-yield: high risk, low yield
At the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, fears about a strong impact on defaults on corporate...Renewable Energies: fair valuations?
The new decade has started with a very clear objective: to reduce emissions of polluting gases.SPACs - Are they here to stay?
SPACs - Special Purpose Acquisition Companies - have become a very popular vehicle for investors to...Topics
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